The most popular MPbox in pallet size 1000x1200mm. For return logistics: 16 boxes per pallet space. Storage: 40 boxes per pallet space.
Just send us an email at [email protected] to receive our Brochure with the full range of MP Boxes.
Compared to other solutiuons
Compared to other Mobilrack or Big bag frames or holders, the MP Multibox has two large advantages:
-No risk of swinging during transport when the truck is cornering or braking.
-Better side protection of the content of your big bag.
Stacking 5-high with 5.000kg
The four walls of the MP Mulitbox are not only holding the big bag in its proper shape, also using the MPbox system you can stack the big bags 5 high (with a maximum of 5x 1.000kg) in your warehouse. No racking system is necessary.
Doubling your truck capacity
During transport of your big bags in a MP Multibox you can stack them 2-high, to use the maximum of the cargo space and saving on transport cost. With two of our 110cm high MP Multibox -each on a pallet- you get a total height of 250cm, filling your truck to its maximum.
Flexible height
Next to different pallet sizes, the complete program of MP Multibox offers you the choice of height. Choose from an inside hight between 700 2400mm.
The MP Multibox has a very sturdy build and can withstand many (>500) logistic movements over a long lifespan (>15 years).