How can reusable and recovery packaging revolutionise the logistics packaging of the construction industry?

Why is the implementation of reusable and recovery packaging in the construction industry inevitable?
Reusable and recovery packaging – it’s a logistics model designed to bring you profit even in the toughest economic situations. Economic crises and climate issues are setting new standards for companies in the construction business. It is time to take responsibility not only to the shareholders of companies, but to humanity as a whole. The good thing is happen when business interests overlap with environmental and the solution seems obvious.
The construction industry needs incredible amounts of packaging. This is associated with huge costs. More than ever, a commitment to the environment is mandatory. Is there a solution that can reduce the cost of logistical packaging and at the same time reduce the carbon emissions that are released when disposing of one-time cardboard boxes (widely used until the recent crisis), wooden pallet boxes, and the pallets themselves? Prior to the collapse of supply chains during the Covid pandemic and the subsequent fuel crisis causing the current unprecedented inflation, the vast majority of construction companies relied on disposable cardboard pallet boxes for their logistics packaging. However, this model no longer works because it has become financially unviable, especially in the current economic situation. And, on top of that, it is causing enormous damage to the environment.
A quick reference shows that in 2021, more than 15 billion trees were cut down, while only 1.8 billion were planted. In order to level the bill, it is imperative that we significantly reduce the carbon emissions released into the atmosphere. Otherwise, extreme weather conditions will increase in geometric progression.
The solution: reusable and recovery packaging
Reusable or returnable packaging is an economically profitable strategy that is environmentally friendly. This is because at its core are durable and robust folding pallet boxes that are reusable rather than destroyed after delivery. Extending the life of the pallet boxes protects the environment. But most importantly it saves a lot of money and fuel at every stage of the supply chain, which significantly reduces logistics costs. Combine that with recovery packaging and you get a revolutionary strategy, based on the principles of a circular economy.
Wooden and cardboard pallet boxes can also be reused or recycled and then the cycle will be completely closed. If you’d like to find out how you could turn cardboard pallet boxes designed for one-time deliveries into reusable ones, take a look at this article from our blog or give us a call so we can choose with you the best solution for your company.
The calculation is simple. When you use pallet boxes for returnable packaging or recover them, you do not need to order new packaging. Thus, by switching to reusable and recovery packaging, your company can save up to 70% on your logistics packaging and shipping costs. In addition, Zamko’s logistics experts could offer you exclusive deals with discounts of up to 70% on used reusable pallet boxes in perfect condition (guaranteed). Such an offer could literally launch your company to the top, blowing away the competition.
What are the benefits of using reusable and recovery packaging?
1.Actively protecting the environment
You significantly reduce CO2 pollution and save a large number of trees from being cut down. Even if you don’t use reusable pallet boxes, make sure your disposable cardboard pallet boxes will be recycled, and not be disposed after shipping. Recycled cartons reduce pollution and carbon emissions into the atmosphere by up to 70%.
If you use wooden pallet boxes, make sure that after each delivery the damaged boxes will be repaired and recovered. The same applies to the pallets themselves. Regular maintenance will seriously increase the service life of your pallets. And at the end of their useful life, wooden parts can be used as raw material to repair other pallets. In this way, you will both save money and use the raw materials wisely.
- Reduce logistics packaging costs by up to 70%
The fuel crisis has led to unprecedented inflation, and raw materials prices have broken long-standing stock market records. More than ever, companies’ logistics costs are a major factor in determining whether a product and business will be successful and competitive in the marketplace.
By upgrading to returnable packaging, and packaging recovery, your company will largely gain protection against the turbulent economic crises. Reducing your logistics packaging costs by 50-70% will increase your competitiveness immensely.
This percentage depends on several factors:
- the percentage of reusable pallet boxes you use;
- the more pallets and pallet boxes you recover and return to service, the greater your profit will be;
- regular maintenance and repair of packaging significantly increases the service life of pallets;
- the price at which you purchase your logistics packaging.
How can we help you to switch to returnable packaging and packaging recovery?
Over the years Zamko has partnered with hundreds of companies across Europe, improving their supply chains. Our logistics experts will study your supply chain in depth. What logistics packaging do you predominantly use? What is the percentage ratio between reusable and recovery packaging compared to other types of packaging, such as one-time packaging? Based on this data, we will suggest how you can improve your logistics packaging to reduce costs, increase the sustainability of your supply chain, and lower carbon emissions.
If you decide to implement a returnable packaging and packaging recovery strategy, we will help you at every stage of the process.
No need to worry about the pallets and pallet boxes that need to be collected by your customers. We will make sure they are delivered to one of our warehouses or bases, which we have all over Europe. There they will be inspected and, if necessary, repaired. If you need more packaging in the meantime, you could order additional quantities from your preferred supplier or place an order with us.
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