Why is the EuroBin (1210-980) the perfect transport and storage solution?

EuroBin (1210-980): Tradition and Quality by IPL Macro
The history of the manufacturer of EuroBin (1210-980) – IPL Macro- is an impressive chronology of working innovations in the production of plastic pallet boxes and undeniable success in business. EuroBin (1210-980; PUN.b75.F) is a logical extension and a carrier of this long-standing tradition. Tradition in perfect quality, excellent functional design and care for the environment.
IPL is a world leader in pallet box manufacturing. Their production facilities (19 factories) are located mainly in Europe and the United States. The company relies on reliable and proven correct partners, such as Zamko – one of their partners for the European market – for distribution and sales of its products.
Fundamental principles on which the company is based:
1. Correctness to the customer and business partners.
2. Innovation in order to improve the design and exploitation of products.
3. Care for the environment (for many years the reduction of carbon emissions in production has been a top priority for IPL). IPL and Zamko plastic containers, in addition to being strong and high quality, are recycled quickly and easily. New “Green” strategies for the use of plastic pallet boxes, such as reusable packaging, are also being developed.
In short: IPL wants to see its customers and partners smiling. And the responsibility to the environment for them is not empty words, but a conscious business philosophy.
Why choose EuroBin (1210-980)? (Main product features)
This is an easy answer:
– 100% foldable but 25% lighter than standard FLC;
– strong and safe, easy replaceable and excellent visibility fork straps. This will provide the necessary security for the teams in your warehouses;
– fully detachable with equal sized drop doors;
– advanced locking and corner mechanisms;
– made of 100% Polypropylene for long life;
– with the Eurobin 1210-980 you will save costs from almost every stage of exploitation;
– Eurobin (1210-980) are eco-friendly.
What are the dimensions of the EuroBin 1210-980 (metric)?
Ext. Sizes: L- 1,20 m x W- 1,00 m x H- 0,98 m;
Int. Sizes: L- 112,6 cm x W- 92,6 cm x H- 82,4 cm;
Cargo Capacity: 900 kg;
Int. Volume: .859 cubic meters;
Tare Weight: 50 kg;
Access Door Openings: H- 41,7 cm x W- 75,6 cm;
Fork Openings: H- 9 cm x W- 77,7 cm (long side);
H- 9,55 cm x W- 77,7 cm (short side);
Product Clearance: 82,4 cm
Folded Height: 30,8 cm
Eurobin (1210-980): So, is it worth it?
ZAMKO stands with its name behind the assessment it gives for Eurobin 1210-980. This is a transport and logistics solution that will save you in the initial investment as well as in running costs. Pallet box designed for durability and reusable packaging. It will increase the security of transporting your goods and products by land, air and water. Eurobin will also increase security in your warehouses, both for your goods and your staff. Environmentally friendly – recycled quickly an 100%. The optimal business solution, especially for the Automotive industry and other Industrial oriented businesses.
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If you’re wondering where to buy pallet boxes, you’ve come to the right place! ZAMKO is a specialist supplier of new and used pallet boxes. Based in The Netherlands, we can deliver high quality boxes on a just in time basis throughout Europe.
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